
Showing posts from March, 2021

Group Project??

 We have a project and ??????/ I'm actually ok with my group . I don't really like group projects because I like to do my work on my own time. I would never do that in a group through because that's unfair. I like my group they do their part . We had some great ideas so I feel like we are going to do a good job on the project. 

Why Hate Mondays?

 I always Hated Mondays. I feel like they never have been good for me because I always feel sad .School is very draining .Although I know I need school it seem pointless sometimes. I wish I could just do the work and not have to log in .Its okay though Ill make it through the week as always.

One more day to go

 Hello Blog I'm Going to create a name for all my bloggers .Something I can call you guys. I'm not sure who all reads this .I feel like sometimes I'm talking to myself. That is scary so that's why I watch what I post. We did this cool little project so I'm going to post it below .These were some vocab words they were kind of new to me so I think this could help you guys .Have A good one๐Ÿ’—

Tuesdays drama

 You ever just want to drop out ? JOKES I will never dropout , I just get so tired of going to school.Then , I have to work after I get out of school. I need a mental health day where I just sit and do absolutely nothing. I probably would still be trying to do stuff though 

Mondays Uggh

 Am I the only person who straight up hates Mondays? I really dread the start of a new week. Its like you have to start everything all over. Then with Covid I feel like everything is repetitive. I'm so always drowsy on Mondays .I make the best out of it though. At least I woke up many can't say the same.๐Ÿ‘ฝ

Thinking Tuesday

๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”  Today I was asked a very interesting question. Is education boring? Education can be boring simply because of the way it is taught . Education as a whole is not boring though. With school you just have to think on the bright side. You have to make it fun for yourself ,and If not it wont be fun.

Marvelous Monday

 I haven't felt good about today. It's just been one of those days where I just wanted to sleep in and try again tomorrow .I hate when i feel like that because most of the time I don't do my work on time. I finished my essay and looked over it today so I'm pretty happy about that .Well have a great day๐Ÿ’™

Boring -Thursday

 Today I had a very eventful day .I've been working on my essay writing .In my AP world history class we have an essay coming up and I've been working on trying to write that. I've been trying to Brain storm and prewrite .I tend to never know what I'm writing about unless I prewrite .I'm so glad we have a half day tomorrow I'm so drained and just ready for the weekend.Have a good one world๐ŸŒ

Thoughtful Tuesday

 We went over a lot of stuff in class today that I thought I knew. I've actually noticed that a lot of the stuff I turn in aren't always grammatically correct. I need to start rereading and making sure all my stuff is in order before I submit. We had an assignment and I knew the correct answer but I put the wrong answer ,and without looking I submitted it and put the wrong answer . On the bright side I had a job interview today so hopefully I get that job. Have a great day๐Ÿ‘ฝ

Meaningful Mondays

 Today ,I wrote a letter to the person who means the most to me .The woman behind it all ,my mother .She always been my go to .The one person that if all else fails she would never .Writing this letter really helped me understand all she means to me. If you have someone in your life that you adore ,write them a letter .Let them know how much they mean to you. Have a blessed day๐Ÿ’˜

Happy Friday!!!!

 TODAY IS FINALLY FRIDAY!!!!๐Ÿ˜ I'm super excited for the weekend .I have so much planned .Its about 8 pm right now and I'm caught up on my work so I can have an easy weekend .I really try to finish all my work for the week by the end of Friday. I just give me comfort I guess you can say .I think I just be motivated to be finish with everything๐Ÿ˜‚My mental healthy is great right now .I'm on the search for a new job so wish me luck. Have a great weekend ๐Ÿ’›

Ughh Essay

 We took our essay in class today I feel as though I did better this go around. I really tried to understand what they were asking and use it in my writing. The other passage I had I honestly didn't understand .Which could be a reason why I didn't do as well as I could've. But that's all in the past now .I'm working to clean up my essay writing ,so I've been watching videos on how to conduct good introductions and body paragraphs.๐Ÿ˜ž๐Ÿ˜ž


I've been writing more poems since the project I had .I've learned that poetry is a great way to express your feelings .Being Virtual has taken a huge toll on me .I know this is better for me at the moment because I don't think I'm ready to return back to in school learning .I think I've been using being at home at my advantage .I actually feel like i get more done and home ,But its just boring .๐Ÿ˜’


I've made a discover about myself that has made be a better writer. I had a practice essay on Friday which I wrote about (Go check that out).I didn't score well on in but at least I understand why .I didn't fully understand before I started writing. I should've have reread and made sure I was clear of what was being asked .We have a real essay on Thursday and I think now I will be more prepared .I'm going to continue to practice and better my writing. Hope every ones day was prosperous ๐Ÿ’‹