
Last Blog

Hey Blog! This is my last blog entry , and it feels very bittersweet .Today my teacher asked what advice id give to those after me. I just want to briefly say this course was not made to be easy, but it is what you make .It was harder because we started off virtual but it could be easier for you guys next year. Do  your work on time .Make sure if you don't understand something to ask. Keep asking until you feel like you understand the assignment. Mr. Rease is very understanding and reasonable, talk to him when having your issues. Don't be ashamed of not understanding .There is so many people who just give up. This course improved me as a writer .I now know my flaws and what I'm not good at. Now I know how to fix things and come out on top. I hope the students after me have a great school year and continue being successful. For now see you later blog you've been good to me.💓💓💓


 Its coming up on the Last few days Of my blog .I've honestly had a bad day .People are just so fake.Covid has showed me so much about others .Not only others but myself. I'm such a great person . School been hard but im push through because I know its almost over .I'm Ready to graduate , so i can see myself grow.Well ALmost closing out my 11th grade year .Ready and excited to see what 21-22 brings 


 I'm ready for summer .My blog is getting so boring .SORRY EVERYONE I'm trying my best to update yall on what is going on in my life .I'm having issues at my job so im going to get that straight because its getting annoying .I'm a good worker so I should be getting paid way more. I'm going to have a talk with my manager  


 Everyday alot of people my age are wondering what it is they want to do with their life. As for me it has been so many career routes I wanted to take, Once when I was younger I wanted to be a professional cheerleaders'. I din't know most of those ladies do that as a side /fun job. I want to be A nurse and help and save people.So we have this project and I think this will help me get serious about my future .I'm glad I know what I want to be because this only made the project easier. Have a great day 👋👋


 Today Went By Extremely fast -it feels so different in my classes now that the ap exam is over -It used to be so stressful but now that it is over i can feel the relief  -We almost out of school so I’m super excited  -Even though I don’t have much planned besides work and like one vacation  -Have a great weekend Everyone


 TODAY IS EXAM DAYYY!!!!! I wish I could say I'm Excited but I'm actually pretty scared .I'll update after test  Wish me luck Hey Blog , Currently at home after my exam I must say it was fairly easy .Well it was okay . It felt like it lasted a million years . I feel like I'm 40 how long that test took .I think I did a good job .I made good points on It so . I'm so glad it is finally over .Hope yall did a great job .Have a great day💚


 Today I took a mental health day .I stayed in bed a kindve relaxed my mind .I'm ready to just get it over with .Its been a stressful year but i've made it